“For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, who says to you, do not fear I will help you.”Isaiah 41:13
The hype around the world in 1999 as we approached the new millennium year 2000 marked a momentous change in time and history. The anxiety and scare heightened as time moved forward without missing a tick on the clock of flip on the calendar. During the year of 1999 and leading up to New Year’s Eve, there was an underlying thought in people’s mind that there might be a “glitch or bug” in computers when year 2000 rolled in. The business world as well as individual families sensed an urge to reach out for expert help to get ready for the rollover.
The noteworthy attention and demand placed on computer microchips as a result of a time-change and year-end rollover was worldwide. This caused me to focus more closely on the emphasis we place on preparing and getting help for the natural resources and benefits in life, and the minimum emphasis we place on preparing for the spiritual and eternal benefits of life. Somehow, many of us fail to recognize that the natural power resources rest in the spiritual—God Almighty. We receive our ultimate help from God, and He supplies the natural resources to help us. Everything operates through God—He is the core or center of life and the functionality of all natural resources. Our power source is inoperable without God being plugged into our world. He is the lifeline to our power source in the natural and spiritual—God is our help and a very present help in time of need. Whatever we do in the spiritual or natural requires the Spirit of God to establish and execute it. Hook-up to His power source and receive your breakthrough. He has given us man resources to aid us in our pursuit of life—“Help is on the way!”